I felt very honoured to be asked to judge Deerhounds at Crufts and would like to thank my stewards for making my day go so smoothly and a huge thank you to the exhibitors who entered under me. Overall I think exhibits where well presented, but there were several hounds, far to thin also lacking muscle, poor feet. I also noticed a number of exhibits standing wide in front. A number of foreign entries were over trimmed, with necks and ears clearly clipped, most undesirable. But on the whole I felt there was an improvement in quality from when I last judged. Temperaments of both dogs and handlers left nothing to be desired.
Veteran Dog
Mrs C. Wilson’s Ch. Hamlton Fred D Mercury. 7 Year old. Good Head, kind expression, correctly folded ears, a little straight in upper arm, correct spring of rib, nice droop to quarter’s well angulated rear, good coat, moved freely, well presented.
Junior Dog.3(4A)
1st Mr. M.J. Peach & Mrs. G.M. Peach’s Kilbourne Max. Really taken with this youngster, definitely one for the future, a raw baby but everything there, lovely head leading to strong neck , good shoulder placement, good bone and feet, correct spring of rib, well angulated quarters, good coat, could watch him move all day.
2nd Mrs. L. Steele’s Sorimsway honoured past Soft expression neat ears, good angulations front and rear, harsh coat not the size and substance of first. Moved true.
3rd. Mr. & Mrs, J. Wyatt’s Baskevyn’s Aragon of Islldur. Soft expression, neat ears, reasonable angulation both ends, good coat, moved freely.
Yearling Dog 6
Miss S Finnet & Miss N. Heathcote’s Hyndsight Desperado. This dog caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring. A lovely example of the breed. Well angulated both ends, correct top and under line, harsh coal good rib moved true and straight with reach & drive, was pleased to award him the RDCC.
2nd Mr. A & Mrs. S. Phillips’ Hyndsight to the Limit with Ladygrove. Litter brother to first and very similar as you would expect for type, just not quite as mature as first.
3rd. Mr. G. & Mrs J. Grimshaw’s Greyflax Domino to Jamalison Big up standing dog. Kind expression, good neck and shoulder a little straight in upper arm well sprung ribs, good rear angulation, harsh coat moved with drive.
Post Graduate Dog. 14 (6A)
1st.Mrs. L. Steele’s Cotherstone the Barrister at Sorimsway Well balanced dog lovely head & expression, well angulated both ends harsh coat moved with drive.
2nd. Mrs. J. Grimshaw’s Greyflax the Jazz Singer to Jamalison Big up standing dog, soft expression front not as well angulated as 1st, Good top and under line, moved true with drive.
3rd. Mr. D. & Mrs. A. Hall’s Wolfscastle Caradog soft expression strong neck a little straight in upper arm, good body and hind angulation, moved true with drive.
Limit Dog . 7(1A)
1st Mr. & Mrs. McKinnon’s Finlas at Claonaiglen. Very type, good head & expression shoulder a little straight, lovely spring of rib & well angulated quarters, harsh coat, long striding on the move.
2nd Mr. A. & Mrs. V. Lewis’s Luckhurst Nairn Good head strong neck a little straight in upper arm, good spring of rib correct top & under line, well angulated rear, moved well.
3rd. Mrs. J. Bond’s Regalflight Ruben good up standing dog, looked like he could do the job he was bred for lovely overall balance moved well, lack of coat spoilt the picture.
Open Dog.10 (3A).
1st Mr. D. & Mrs. S. Hawkins’ Ch. Kwaricott Corelli Workman like dog, not the most glamourous, never the less a lot to like about him. Strong head but soft expression, excels in shoulder, well sprung rib with correct depth & tuck up, drooping quarters well angulated, good bone & feet, mover with long free stride. Please to award him DCC.
2nd. Mrs. C Wueger’s Int. Ch. Fortheringhays Fairwald Fable Lovely type sweet head good shoulder with adequate return of upper arm, good top & under line, harsh coat, moved well.
Mrs. N. MacBean’s Killoeter Ruaig Lovely breed type, strong head, soft expression, correct shoulder & upper arm, good spring of rib, well angulated quarters moved well.
Veteran Bitch.2
1st.Mr. A. & Mrs. J. Wyatt’s Fortheringhays Celtic Woman 7 years. Sweet head, nice overall balance good coat and moved well.
2nd. Mrs. C. Wilson’s Hanilton One Vision 7 Years soft expression not quite the body or substance of first, good coat and moved well.
Junior Bitch (7 (1A)
1st. Mrs. S. Taylor Mr M.J. and Mrs G.M. Peach’s Kilbourne Millefleur to Talorpeche. Lovely feminine bitch full of quality, well balanced throughout good top & under line, moved sound & true, one for the future.
2nd. Mr. A. & Mrs. V. Lewis Neroche Juniper. Another promising youngster, not quite the front of the first, lovely breed type, well balanced & moved true with drive.
3rd. Mr. A. & Mrs. S. Mckinnon Claonaiglen Collusca. Another promising youngster, but a bit raw & rangy as yet, sweet head, well angulated front & rear, feet need to tighten . Moved straight & true.
Yearling Bitch 6 (1A)
1st. Mr. G. & Mrs. N. Bailey Greyflax Ruby Tuesday. Caught my eye as soon as she came into the ring. Lovely breed type, sweet head & expression, well angulated both ends. Sweeping quarters, good coat & moved with drive & purpose, one to watch.
2nd. Mrs. S. Taylor/Mr MJ Mrs GM Peach Kilbourne Tess to Talorpeach Sweet head & expression, well angulated front & rear good spring of rib with nice depth, good coat, moved true and free, another for the future.
3rd. Miss. S. Finnett & Miss. N. Heathcote Hyndsight Because of the Night. Good breed type, well balanced throughout, harsh coat, good bone, moved true.
Post Graduate Bitch 13 (3A)
1st. Mrs. M.A. De Raad-Hemming’s Lisha Cristie Sense of Beauty NJK JW. Elegant bitch, soft expression neat ears, strong neck leading to well laid shoulders good depth of body leading to well angulated quarters, coat a little short, moved sound & true.
2nd. Mr. R. Gillie’s Dorrator Garvey, Not the biggest but lovely breed type, sweetest of heads, best of fronts, good spring of rib, well angulated quarters, harsh coat, moved well with drive.
3rd. Mr. G. & Mrs. N. Bailey’s Greyflax Team Spirit sweet head & expression well laid shoulders , good spring of rib, well angulated rear, moved well.
Limit Bitch 14(2A)
1st. Mr. A. & Mrs. S. Phillips’ Charbonnel Gobie to Ladygrove. Excels in breed type, soft expression, neat ears, strong neck leading to well laid shoulders, all curves, good bone and feet, moved true & free, pressed hard for RCC.
2nd.Mr. B. Doak’s Rosslyn Corrie another bitch of good breed type, sweet head, strong neck, good spring of rib, well angulated quarters, good bone & harsh coat, moved with drive.
3rd. Mrs. K. Tresh’s Lyndorthwin Ethal Grey More workman like than the 1st & 2nd but of sound construction, good bone & substance, harsh coat, moved well.
Open Bitch 15(3A)
1st. Mrs. N. MacBean’s Ch Killoeter Ralia. Beautiful breed type best of heads strong neck leading to well laid shoulder & upper arm, good spring of rib, correct upper & under line. Well angulated quarters, good bone & feet, harsh coat completed the picture, was a joy to watch on the move. Pleased to award her BCC & BOB.
2nd. Mrs. S. Taylor’s Kilbourne Pandora to Talorpeche another beautiful bitch. Lovely breed type. Excels quality, all curves, sweet head, lovely body & strong well angulated quarters, good substance, harsh coat, moved true & freely. Pleased to award her RBCC.
3rd. Miss S. Finnet & Miss. N. Heathcote’s Hyndsight a Girl Like You. Another excelling breed type again all curves as a Deerhound should be. Well angulated both ends, good bone and substance, correct coat, moved with drive.
Good Citizen Dog Scheme
1st.Mrs. L. B. Semour-Jackson’s Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghiltan. Medium sized dog, sweet head & expression, overall well balanced, well off for bone, good feet, presented in nice coat, moved well.
2nd. Mrs. J. Wilbraham’s Marivon Fallon Sweet head reasonable body and well angulated quarters, not the substance of 1st. Moved well with drive.
3nd. Mrs. J. Wilbraham’s Ardlancien Elona, kind expression neat ears, reasonable depth of body, moved well.
Mrs J. Duddell |